it's always better when we're together...somewhere in between together

Jan 12, 2006 22:24 this week was the beginning of new classes..semi-new

I like my classes so professors are cool. I really like my science professor..I love listening to him talk. He is the type of teacher where you don't realize you're learning because he is so captivating when he speaks. I like that. My precal teacher is cool too..she is this old woman that reminds me of a mix of my grandmother and my high school geometry She seems like a good teacher so far, we will see. My political science teacher is a character..I like part of the syllabus he put suggested readings and then at the bottom he had this part entitled "Coming 2006" and it was all of these 'books' by various some of em were "Why Chicks Dig Me" by Bill Clinton, and "Analytical Politics" by Lindsay Lohan, and "How To Keep Men Interested" by Hilary, he was like "yes, I take this class very seriously"..haha. Anyway! I think this semester will be a good one. There are even a couple cute guys in my classes..haha.

Speaking of cute guys...
This week brought about a turn around in the good ol "love life"..haha. Me and Brad, who haven't really talked much since right before Halloween (for reasons I'd rather not unveil)..went on another first date this We went and saw Wolf Creek on Monday night..which turned out to be very disappointing (the movie, not the date). It was really good to see him..he seemed happy to see me too..gave me a really big hug :) We hung out last night too after he got off work..we went to Applebee's, then back here to watch The 40 Year Old Virgin..haha such a funny movie. I'm not really sure where it's going with me and him..but I did miss how it was before, and so did he, so maybe this will be good.......maybe.
"'s what keeps you alive."

Oh..and I got my hair cut

sepia tone lovin..

i enjoy my strange expressions
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