Mischief, petty thief, and.....voyeurism

Feb 15, 2012 07:09

On Thursday, February 9, 2012, Victor Szabo, 36, of Toronto, was arrested and charged with:

1) Break and Enter with intent
2) two counts of Prowl by night
3) two counts of Mischief Under $5,000
4) two counts of Mischief interfere with property
5) two counts of Voyeurism



Thanks to John Douglas, my alarm bells are on. 1-5 together, that he stole something cheap (and therefore, it's treated as mere nuisance), combined with interference with property, combined with prowling and voyeurism, translate into this:

Peeping tom gained the confidence to start breaking into women's homes to steal with their underwear. The burglar had been prowling: that's what the 'professionals' do to determine if a home is easy and/or has valuable, and yet the thief was under $5000. "Mischeif interfere with property" translate into He Tried On Her Underwear, a la Colonel Williams.

...and JD is right, something like this treated as a nuisance because it's under $5000 is actually much much more dangerous. Frankly, peeping tom and underwear thieves, if they are ont on the sex crime registry, they should be on a linked one considering that they are the footpath to being a stranger rapist.


toronto, crime

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