Sudden Kira Nerys ID Plot Bunny:

Feb 21, 2007 02:54

I really liked how much Kira like Ziyal's art.

...and I'm thinking of this scene, where one night, after "What You Leave Behind", Kira wakes up, and starts to paint, feeling like she hasn't done it in a long, long, time.

After all, Cardassians have been altering their operatives into numerous other species for ages. I think Kira Nerys was definitely a resistance fighter of some repute, she got the job of liaison at the end of the occupation. It would make sense for the Obsidian Order to chose Iliana Ghemor specifically because of her resemblance to Kira Nerys.

They never did find her after all, wouldn't the Obsidian Order keep better track of their agents?

Couldn't Entek have been telling the truth in Second Skin? ...I mean, he could have given her the wrong drugs so she won't remember.

If Kira Nerys as we know her, is a Cardassian after all, the Obsidian Order would have a really big motive to keep quiet about it, until it's really useful. An agent of their own in a position of trust and authority on DS9, especially useful after Garak detached himself from them with the killing of Entek, who he had actually liked as a person. ...they never got around to exploiting that usefulness though, when the whole fleet of them, or at least those that know about Kira Nerys, perished in "The Die Is Cast".

kira, ds9

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