Okay, I'm staying out of this one, no matter how much I want to comment, especially now that it's over. Before I die I would like to at some point submit something horrible from the Naruto fandom to
LJ Drama (or better yet, earn squire-status, OMG!), but since it's been kinda dead lately, here's my drive by write up:
n00b fanficcer submits her ShikaHina story to
sunnyday_love, a Hinata x Anyone community. Those of you familiar with awfulness that is the Naruto fandom would know, normally one of two things would happen, 1.Complete Silence as fandom veterans scroll over her post after confirming that it's not a known-to-be-good-and-not-crap
BNF, after all, there are soooo many fics, why waste time? 2.Shall the fic be part of a side-stream niche where demand exceeds supply, no matter the quality the fic shall receive reviews but none exceeding two sentences. Usually of the "omg plz rite mor1111" variety, shall the review exceed two sentences, or even one, chances are it's fangirling over the topic rather than the fic itself.
Here, the fic not only falls within the niche where demand exceeds supply, it is also of a redeemable quality, thus attracting the attentions of veteran fans that proceed to de-lurk. The first commenter offers to beta, the second commenter gets straight to the point, effiency! The OP does appreciate the
instant beta, but before the OP arrives to see it,
momoiro_usagi jumps the shark and proceed to bleed the water around her red:
1stHit: momoiro_usagi
2006-03-25 07:53 am UTC (
dude, get a fucking life...I don't even read this fandom and I know you're being an ass. There's criticism, and then there's destructive criticism...nice way to encourage a new writer, you stupid fuck.
EmoPunk: momoiro_usagi
2006-03-25 08:22 am UTC (
Look, I'm nice to all fan fiction writers...that's the point. As a writer myself, I know how terrible I would feel if someone tore me down like this, and so I'm very
sensitive about how people react to other people's stories. [CUT] I know I would probably be too distressed to ever write again...I really hope she doesn't feel the same way.
EmoCutter: momoiro_usagi
2006-03-25 09:17 am UTC (
[CUT] Just reading that review made me want to cry, and it wasn't even about my story! >.< I don't even know who the characters are, but I still can tell that this piece of writing did not warrant such a harsh attack. God, I'm thankful I don't write for this fandom...I'm not sure if I could put up with you people :p
Obiligatory Self Fanning: momoiro_usagi
2006-03-25 09:33 am UTC (
[CUT] I'm a well-established writer...I have written many stories, and I've acquired somewhat of a fanbase.[CUT]
momoiro_usagi does "make peace" at the end of this little flame war, which she started and fueled by ralleying troops (apparently many people that have attacked as well, also not members of the comm). Unfortunately I arrived
late on the scene after the nasty comments from the troops have already
been deleted(?), but the two remaining people there that are not members of the comm, or even Naruto fandom, are friends or friend of friend of the wankster in question.
Well, at least the mod was alerted and did
step in, because it appears that
sunnyday_love is usually very Tori Amos, so actual members of the community (re:NOT
momoiro_usagi) have been intimidated by the wankery happening in that post enough, that they didn't comment on the fic. Ah, my sympathies go to the n00b, her first post hijacked by a patronizing twit into dramaland,
momoiro_usagi to the rescue!