CSI Living Room

Apr 19, 2007 18:49

Tuesday evening, I returned to my apartment to find the remains of the orange bunny balloon scattered about. His body was split and laying face up on the floor, with his bunny sides pealed back exposing his latex innards. 8 inches away from his body lay the tied off nozzle used to inflate the Bunny Balloon. All the doors & windows were locked and, as the Bunny Balloons lack arms it is assumed they did not let anyone in and relock the doors after their departure.

Victim info:
Species: Bunny Balloon
Ethnicity: Orange
Fill Gas: Air
known enemies: Anything sharp
Date of Inflation(birth): April 14, 2007
Date of Deflation(death): April 16, 2007
cause of deflation: unknown
place of residence, 's living room
Criminal History: none
Toxicology: large amounts of latex, traces of Kryptonite, traces of hot air

Crime Scene:
Location: place of residence, 's living room
Placement: see pictures
Condition: victim was laying face up, right side flayed open from just below the ear down. The nozzle was detached and

laying approximately 8 inches below it original point of attachment.

Items found in the immediate vicinity:
Roaster pan(used for baking sculpy) lying nearby
7' 2x4 (recently sawed lengthwise)
CD spindle cover
A small cooking apron(red)
Blue storage container
2 trophies(pinewood derby)
1 pair of sheet metal cutters
styrofoam dust

Witness Accounts: Though 4 witnesses were present, none have admitted to seeing the incident.
Witnesses: 2 Pink Bunny Balloons, 1 Blue Bunny Balloon, and one green Bunny Balloon.
Unusual witness behavior: Though both of the pink bunny balloons appeared fine when first interviewed, it was later noted that one of these was losing air.(see witness pictures)

The victim:

The scene:

Left of the victim (note the blue storage container appears in victim photos

Right of the victim

The Suspects:

Your mission! Tell us what happened to Orangey! Was he careless and brush against something sharp? Did someone have it out for him? did he spontaneously combust? What lead to his demise?

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