Nov 12, 2006 00:18
this has been a blur! andrea has started in our office, and she's a lot of fun. it's really nice to have someone else my age that i can hang out with around. tonight we had an OA soiree for all our orientation assistants. it was a dress up and eat moe's type of thing and afterwards she and i went for margaritas. nice.
this afternoon i helped out at the kiwanis chili cook-off at the landings. it was a lot of fun. i'm working with the skidaway kiwanis group to get scad's circle k group officially chartered and up and running. it's an exciting time for that!
friday night i babysat for parker and he and i had a lot of fun. it was mac and cheese night and we read a lot of books before going to bed.
last saturday i volunteered for the mutt strut and walked around forstyth park wanting half the dogs there. i also had an avon party that went alright. it was fun to gossip with the gals.
otherwise i've just been keeping busy with work. jay was accepted to study abroad in france spring quarter. he'll leave mid-march and return beginning of june. i'm very excited for him, but also a little nervous. france is so far away! i'm trying to figure out how i can afford to get over there. we'll be losing three of our workers fromt he office, kara and sherin are also going.
mimia wants me to go on asb this year. they're going to a children's museum in maine to help with some installation art. i would love to do that as well.
jay and i are hosting a new year's extravaganza for our assorted out-of-town friends and we would really love if everyone could come! i'm sad that we've seen more "his" friends than mine. i wish you bitches would come down.
we're heaxed to nc for thanksgiving weekend. we'll spend thursdat in greensboro/high point with his family, going to the monet exhibit on friday and then i'm going to my 5.5 year high school reunion that saturday.
baby opens december 1st and runs through the 10th i think. mom's coming down the second weekend.
jay and i celebrate our two year anniversary on december 5 and are looking to have a weekend away the weekend of the 15th. we would love suggestions of romantic (affordable) overnight trips.
mom called with more bad news today. my uncle frank died. her little brother. they said that he probably died about two weeks ago and they found him today. my aunt donna is going to tell my cousin nick tonight after the show he's in. he's technically next of kin since he's frank's son, so he'll make all the decisions. mom said that she'd been waiting for this call for a while, but i know it's still sad. i tried to call grandma, but i think she's probably busy trying to figure out what to do. uncle frank wasn't really well-off, so i'm sure whatever decisions they come to will be low-key. mom, matt and leslie are driving to new york on monday to be with nick and donna. grandma probably won't be able to fly out there due to her health. i can't imagine what she's feeling. when mom said bad news, i thought she'd say that one of my grandparents died. it's so sad though. they're getting an autopsy, but mom thinks it was a heart attack. probably brought on by the years of abuse.
so that's my life thus far. i'll let you know more later.
ps, hooray for democrats!