Guess who now gets cell phone reception in her room?
That means if for some reason you wanted to call my cell phone instead of my school phone, you could. It means I can keep my cell on and actually get calls anywhere on campus. It means that probably no one will call me, but still the posibility is there.
dusting made my computer it stop vibrating, because I knocked something into the proper place, and now my computer is quiet, but all is good, meaning the fans are going - it's just quiet now! I didn't know this was possible/how it was supposed to be!
There is nothing more relieving than realizing that those 5 pounds you gained over Thanksgiving break were just water weight and not a result of gross over-eating.
I wish I could figure everything out in one moment of clarity. I wish I could stop procrastinating, so I could actually enjoy my weekend. I wish I could make everything better with a clap of my hands. I wish I remembered how to express myself through words, so maybe things would make more sense.