I met Capote!

Jun 24, 2006 15:02

Well, just about about. I was walking towards Union Square yesterday to meet Dan for lunch. Across the street, walking on the sidewalk, I spotted someone who looked very much like Philip Seymour Hoffman. I thought maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, but as I kept watching him and crossed the street, I decided it was him-even though I couldn't see his face. I didn't know what to say really, but I decided I'd be kicking myself if I didn't say anything. So I finally said "Excuse me" and told him how inspiring he is as an actor. He was very kind and gracious, and we ended up walking for a few minutes. It turns out he was in Emily Mann's world premiere play about the Klan killings in Greensboro. This I found out after he asked me where I'm from. I had to tell him about the almost impossible task of going to see "Capote" with Dan and Ken, but finally watching all together last week.

He seemed so down-to-earth and very easy going. I thanked him once again and we parted ways at 9th St/6th Ave. I have to say he is probably the one person I would've wanted to meet. It didn't feel all that surreal, strangely enough. I guess seeing him in his baseball cap and shorts and carrying a bookbag, smoking a cigarette made it all seem just everyday & normal. What a nice surprise!!

Last night Dan took me to hear Herbie Hancock play at Carnegie Hall-part of the JVC jazz festival. Though I was exhausted prior to the concert, I am still really glad we went. I'd never been there before. Beforehand we had a delicious dinner at a vegetarian/vegan restaurant called Zen Palate. Muy delicioso!
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