Well, after a good 10 month run, "The Geoff Howe Special" came to an end on December 19, 2006. Due to various circumstances the Serious Coffee in Oak Bay can no longer house live music, so both my show and the Open Stage on Wednesday night had to bow out. My final performance was a good one though. The setlist was diverse and I was in great voice. The attendance wasn't super, but my parents and some good friends were there for support. Thanks to everyone who came and saw me perform in 2006. A big thanks to the guests that I had perform with me on occasion too: Eric Hogg, James Kasper, and Matt Bullock. Here's the setlist people:
1. Waste Your Youth
2. World Pressin' Down
3. Let's Be Lonely Together
4. To Love Somebody (Bee Gees cover)
5. Virginia Come Down
6. Don't Worry Baby (Beach Boys cover)
7. Public Domain
8. Cigarettes
9. Everything
10. Anita Roberts (G.Howe/M.Hartenberger)
11. The Great Unknown
The new songs are really going over well. "Let's Be Lonely Together" and "Public Domain" in particular have really been embraced by audiences. It's a really great feeling when a new song gets such positive reactions right away.
The next night was the final Open Stage. James and I performed a crazy two part harmony version of "Silent Night" with us even doing a version in German! It was a Lemonshifter Phase One reunion too, with Sophie Middleton joining us for "Sunday Afternoons". Coolness. I played "Waste Your Youth", a song in the middle that I can't remember...can anyone help me out here, and the perennial Smidgen favorite "Needles and Pine". That song gets more soulful each year...I think.
Christmas was a lot of fun this year. It was fantastic to be back home with my family for Christmas Eve/Morning this year, as last one was spent elsewhere. This year's Howe Family tradition of watching Die Hard (the ultimate Christmas movie) on Christmas Eve was particularily notible due to the widescreen tv viewing and the fact that we actually watched some special features this time! Yipee-ki-yay, Santa Claus. I got some great gifts, the best being a new Canon Powershot camera. Now I can finally document my life visually. I have virtually no pictures of my friends or day-to-day life, so it's time to fill in the gaps. I'll be posting pictures periodically, once I start to get the hang of it all.
Rehearsals with the untitled Eric Hogg/Geoff Howe band are going great. I'm getting used to rockin' out a bit more and because of Eric's influence, the snippets that I've been writting for the band have slowly been getting more complex. I just really have to hunker down and work on the lyrics. Usually I write the lyrics and music at the same time, but for some reason in Eric's presence the music and melody comes first. Curse you Hogg. I'm looking forward to more rehearsals and writing, and quite frankly, I'm a little glad to have some time off from performing. It's hard to be in Writing/Recording Mode AND Performing Mode at the same time. It's time to get this new batch of songs from the past year on tape!
Oh, I almost forgot there was a mini-Smidgen/And Howe reunion Christmas morning. My dad filmed Al and I performing the old Smidgen/And Howe song "My Way", this being the first time my brother and I have performed together in about 5 years. I'll post the video whenever it makes it's way to the web.
For now, I'm looking forward to the new year. There's gonna be lots of good times and great music. I'll keep you posted...bitches!
Check please,