May 10, 2009 18:03
Being one who can't stand prequels. I am extremely happy with the new trek movie. If you have decided not to see it as I almost did because you are tired of them "re-writing the history of the future AGAIN!" I gladly can say they aren't. This restarts the series all over again in a parallel reality. They can from this point make more films in this newly created Trek universe. With all that said, I of course had some issues with with some story points (Where is Robert April the first captain of the NCC-1701?), and some ship issues (how could the Kelvin loose it's warp drive when it had no nacelles in the first place?). But these things are very minor. Woo Hoos go out to Abrams, Kurtzman, and Orci. Three Fanboys that have re-enlivened Trek with out killing the original stories by making this one using the same characters in a different direction.