Dec 03, 2006 22:22
I feel like such a Scrooge-I'm just not in the Christmas spirit this year, or at least not yet. Thanksgiving Day was fabulous and then the days afterwards got more depressing with each passing minute. I found myself away from home and back in Ann Arbor after two days of being at home. Things just were not the same, but then again, I can't expect to everything to cease its calm purity forever.
I've sold my soul to the commercialized devil known as the mall and shall start on December 22nd through January 2nd. If you want cute panties, I'll do my best do supply you with a cute discount.
My conclusion is that I thrive under pressure. This has been a most hectic couple of months but they have revealed to me mine own strengths and weaknesses. To hit new lows is to reach new highs and that's what keeps me going.
Scrooge is my title for the time being, but I would like to think of myself as a humorous one. Whenever I'm being bitter towards all that is around me, I blame no one but myself and just get one with life. My choice phrase would include "You *choice of choice word here*, and by that I mean beautiful individual sent by God." I'm not a Grinch because I don't go out of my way to drag people down to embark on my misery. I'm just crabby I suppose.
Despite my mind set, I enjoy Christmas for the sole purpose that it is Jesus' birthday. I remember my church used to have a cake every year that said "Happy Birthday Jesus!" Oh church, your a good time.
Regardless, I have set up Christmas decorations in my apartment and home respectively to keep the reminder that this is a joyous holiday ever present.
Alright, carry on now.