Hello everybody! I have an issue that hopefully I can gain some insight into through this community;
Some of you may be aware that a few weeks ago, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission (HREOC) reported the results of an inquiry into same sex entitlements. This report, titled Same Sex: Same Entitlements is viewable at
this page of the HREOC website, and identifies 58 laws which explicitly discriminate against same sex couples and/or their children in the area of finance and work related benefits.
This report is the focus of a same sex unit I am undertaking for my politics class, and I come bearing a short and very easy to complete poll which would GREATLY help me for my own study. The results of this poll will be published only in a student report which only the teacher will read, and all comments will be screened for anonymity reasons. Answering the questions is of course purely voluntary, but if you have 5 minutes to spare, I encourage you to take a look.
(I am aware some questions may seem redundant to people of this community, and for that I apologize - I am trying my best to be impartial, of course, so consider it a formality)
Also, you do NOT have to be from Australia to fill out the poll - participants from all countries is best!
I particularly urge you to answer the questions denoted with **
This is the focus of my study and all participants are greatly valued. If you answer yes to either question marked with **, please, if you have even a minute to spare, you are encouraged to leave a comment (which will be screened) detailing further thoughts/recounting the experience/etc.
(there is a mistake in the ages, which I sincerely apologize for!
the 26-35 section was missed, if you are within this age group, I am sorry, please just tick one of the other boxes and if you can, leave a comment saying so)
Poll Same Sex Entitlements Thank you for all your help!