GLBT Community and Recovery

Apr 24, 2012 10:06

    There are so many members of the GLBT communities through out the United States that have our newest members are teenagers. They have so many problems when it comes to coming out to family, friends, and peers. When they do come out to their parents about half of today's youth get kicked out of their home and are put out on the streets. Statistically, 119 % chances that teens that come out to their parents and kicked out become drug addicts. They become like this to deal with the hurt and shame to their family for being homosexual. Many larger cities now have places for teens that have been kicked out of their parents house. But what about the cities that don't? We as GLBT adults should want to do more for GLBT teens so they don't become drug addicts and alcoholics. Some we can't save from addiction but we adults can however help get these teens help to deal with their addictions.
      I was one of these teens that had no one to turn to when I came out. The only thing I felt I could turn to is drugs and alcohol. I have had issues with addiction for many years. I have now been completely sober for 33 days and just wish I could change just 1 teens life that is dealing with GLBT issues. We can to this together and finally show teens that they don't have to turn to drugs, alcohol, or even death.
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