New York gubernatorial hopeful slams gays

Oct 10, 2010 22:30

The Republican candidate for governor, Carl P. Paladino, told a gathering in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on Sunday that children should not be “brainwashed” into thinking that homosexuality was acceptable, and criticized his opponent, Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo, for marching in a gay pride parade earlier this year.

“That’s not how God created us,” he said, reading from a prepared address.

And then, to applause at Congregation Shaarei Chaim, he said: “I didn’t march in the gay parade this year - the gay pride parade this year. My opponent did, and that’s not the example we should be showing our children.” reported that Mr. Paladino’s prepared text had included the sentence: “There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual.” But Mr. Paladino omitted the sentence in his speech.

File this under "scary people running for office - '10 edition." Seriously, if this isn't "anti-gay" I'd imagine the only thing he considers to be involves concentration camps. I find it hilarious the fact he employs a single "one of them" makes them think they're progressive, all the while spewing this crap.

election, politics, republican

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