8th gang member arrested in vicious torture hate crimes

Oct 10, 2010 11:11

In New York City, there has been a recent spree of anti-gay hate crimes, which some are saying amount to torture, by a gang that flipped out when they discovered that one of their recruits was gay. They've had four victims so far, and police have arrested 8 suspected to be involved.

""When you hear the details of what occurred, torture really is the only word that comes to mind," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a Saturday press conference with (NYPD Commissioner) Kelly.

"The incident involved three victims being held against their will by as many as nine assailants who beat them in a vacant apartment and sodomized two of them, Kelly said Friday. A fourth victim was beaten and robbed in connection with the attacks, Kelly said."

hate crime, victimization, violence, hate

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