Originally, the House bill included a provision that would have protected against discrimination in health care on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. It also gave tax protections for domestic partners covered under health care (currently, gay employees have to pay taxes on that benefit, while married, heterosexual couples do not). It also included some measures to provide coverage for HIV/AIDS patients, and remove barriers on collecting LGBT-related data.
The Senate stripped the language, and through the merging of the bills (ditto with the president's proposal),
the gay-friendly articles have not been included. Whatever your opinion of the health care reform proposals - it isn't relevant - it's difficult to blame Republicans (obnoxious as they may have been) for this since they aren't going to support the bill whether these protections are included or not.
Where is Speaker Pelosi? Where is President Obama? Where's some fucking leadership? Are you enjoying the view from under the bus, yet?