The Current Middle Ages and Other Updates

Aug 17, 2010 13:48

Well, I survived my first trip to Pennsic.  AND IT WAS AWESOME.  Props to CdV for being the most awesomest camp ever.  Srsly.  Hardcore.  Made lots of new friends, got to know people I knew already even better, got to dress up in garb for a week, got lots of free booze, ate lots of AMAZING food, got to shop in the best conglomeration of merchants ever (Holy cheap prices Batman!  I'm never shopping at a Ren Faire again!), got to see crazy people beat each other with sticks on the battle field, and did everything I could to avoid the sun (and still got a sunburn... on the first day walking to and from where I parked my car... whoops).  It all could have ended on a better note, what with Alec getting the stomach flu Friday night and me getting it on the drive home on Sunday (throwing up into a cup while driving is the opposite of fun), but otherwise good times were had all around.  And I saw way more penis than expected... I think the final tally was a tie between Alec and everyone else.  Which is damn impressive.  LOL.  Hopefully we'll be back next year, although that is all contingent upon the exact dates of Pennsic and the Nelson family Yellowstone trip... we're really gunning for at least a week at Pennsic, but Yellowstone does win out in priority, especially since I've never been there.  I'll be really sad to miss any of Pennsic XL though, particularly the second week.  Boo.

In other news, I am not going to defend my thesis before I leave for Ohio.  More boo.  Bob and I have decided that having a more polished document (i.e. damn close to publication ready) before I leave is the most important.  I'll have that done before I leave and then send it out to the rest of my committee.  Then I'll defend sometime in the fall whenever I can get my ass back here.  OSU doesn't care either way since I'll have to get an extension until December no matter when I do the actual defense... my official transcript won't get issued by Villanova until after their December graduation date.  And it looks like I'm only going to be taking minimal classes this coming quarter (mostly because 75% of what I want to take conflicts with each other) so I'll have time to finish up the thesis.  Yippee.

Moving is still scheduled for September 11, with the truck getting packed on September 10.  Graduate student orientation is the following week at OSU and classes start September 22.  Sadly, Alec will not be moving out with me at this time, but the plan is for him to get his butt out there ASAP, if only because my desktop will run Starcraft 2 (thanks to Athy) and his won't.  :D  I'm hoping for January, but we'll see how things roll.

OK, now off to physical therapy.  Which should be interesting because I want to see their reaction when I tell them that I spent all of Pennsic without ANY PAIN. No back pain, no leg pain, no nothing.  And I was sleeping on a 9" thick air mattress and sitting in camp chairs and at a picnic table.  WTF.  I did have pain on the drive home, and I'm having a little leg pain now, but apparently Pennsic is magical medical happiness and unicorn sparkles for my back.  Go fucking figure.

All in all, I am sad to have to get back to the grind of Mundania, although I am excited to start at OSU, and tired of working on my thesis. 
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