I'm having a huge amount of anxiety about what I'm doing as a graduate student today. I feel like I should post about fun fandom things to help myself feel better, but the anxiety birds won't stop squawking at me. Or I should post about serious political issues, but so much as looking at a serious political issue tonight feels like looking into a pit of despair. Or I should just be happy that I had a great visit with my best friend IRL last week and I don't have any business having negative feelings so soon. Ugh. I'll try to make a real post tomorrow. Right now, I just feel horribly uncomfortable with my life.
Also, I was going to wash test tubes to prepare for an experiment, but I couldn't do that because the protective gloves I would need for the acid bath were gone. And I couldn't get a private meeting with my advisor, so I had to ask my painfully ignorant questions at the lab meeting and look like a fool in front of everyone. I graduated from a college that was way too small to offer the kind of research experience that undergrads get here, and my master's program mostly consisted of me being left to flail around and work things out on my own with some guidance from a lab manager who only had master's herself and wasn't even much older than I was. So I am still asking noob questions and trying to catch up with the other students who started the program at the same time I did but who came into it with a lot more lab experience.
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