Finally some good news in US domestic matters

Jun 28, 2012 12:28

The Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act! I heard it on NPR while I was on my way to donate a big box of stuff I don't need to take with me when I move. In practical terms, the ACA will place limits on health insurance companies so that they can no longer put lifetime caps on customers' healthcare benefits, refuse to cover children with disabilities, charge women more than men for the same policies, or stop someone's coverage simply because that person got sick and started actually using the insurance they'd been paying for. The companies will also be required to cover certain preventive care screenings and to give young adults the option of staying on their parents' insurance plans until age 26. It's not perfect, but it is pushing the nation toward a better system than the one we've had until now.

Also, transporting the big box of stuff taught me a lesson about the dimensions of my trunk that will be important when I move, so dropping it off today turned out to be a good choice for multiple reasons.

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