PSA for anyone who's changed their diet for whatever reason

Jan 13, 2015 13:50

Exactly one gluten-free cookbook I've seen has mentioned that a lot of people get most of their folates and B-vitamins from enriched wheat flour.  If you've had to go off wheat, consider seriously whether you need to start taking a good B-complex vitamin.

If you've had to go off dairy, likewise, a lot of people get a chunk of their Vit D these days from enriched milk.  If you do need to add Vit-D, either some sunbathing can do it or get the over the counter D3 at the stores.  Per an NIH study, D3 works 87% *better* than the prescription-only D2.  (Also per my own experience; I'm finally, two years later, back in mid-range of where my D should be.)

If you're cooking for yourself more, salt is frequently iodized to keep your thyroid healthy.  So, yes, really, you do want to put a little salt in.  That's one I'm going to have to work on, honestly.  And I'm sure there are others I'm missing or just not thinking of.

In general, if you're going to change your eating habits?  Consider adding a good multivitamin to your routine, too.  This PSA from the woman who needs to go take her own vitamin!

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