Positive meme

Sep 18, 2014 22:40

Tagged by
killabeez . I so need this right now.

Rules: for five consecutive days post three positive things that have happened, plus tag three other people to do the same, so the positivity keeps growing.

Oh, look, I still exist!  Huh!

1.  Shows I want to watch are starting back up (even if I'm still catching up from summer shows).  Haven last week, Sleepy Hollow and Agents of SHIELD next week.  I enjoy them both for themselves and for the material they hand me for fannish interactions.

2. Ballet exercise.  I've been taking classes with the same teacher, and a lot of the same students, for more of the last 15-18 years than not.  (God, I feel almost old typing that.  Who cares?)  What's amazing is that it's a class where we *laugh*.  We joke, we trade advice, we harass the teacher about being a professional sadist, and a more efficient one as the years go on at that.  We've gotten each other through marriages, divorces, cancer, surgeries, deaths of children and spouse -- you name it, it's come up and someone had good advice.  I'm so grateful for them.

3.  I pulled my Halloween stuff out and aired it out yesterday.  Today, when I tried on a shirt that was snug last year, it fit *beautifully*. Going off wheat has been paying off in slowly sliding some inches off!

Killa says this can be done in five posts, if not five consecutive days, but what the heck, we'll see what happens.

As for tagging... anyone who feels like it, honestly, but I'll mention
raine ,
ilyena_sylph , and
samjohnsson .

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fandom, memes, exercise: ballet, holidays: halloween, friends

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