Spook Me is back!

Sep 08, 2014 16:13

it's September and
spook_me is back! If you want a minimal pressure, maximum options challenge, this is it.

The short version is that they send you you pick a supernatural element (it can be the villain, the protagonist, the McGuffin -- up to you) and two prompts. Or they'll pick a monster for you and send you three prompts. Then you write and send them a link shortly before Halloween. That's it. They love horror, but they're good with cheesy and silly, too. Any fandom, any rating, gen, slash, femmeslash, or het, any length. If you're not having fun, quit writing.

I love this challenge and have written some great stuff for it that I would never have done otherwise, so I pimp it every year. If you sign up, have fun and let me know you're playing? Sign-ups are over here. (spook_me is also on LJ if you prefer to participate over there.)

And now I've got to go write meme-fic.   Why does everything get long around me?    ::goes back to trying to write short::

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Given the new LJ 'design' decisions, please comment on DW if you can.

challenges: spook me, memes, easily amused, holidays: halloween

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