Man. Long time no chat

Mar 30, 2014 18:06

I feel like I'm surfacing finally -- oops?

I have no idea what to post, either, other than to mention that in about 4 weeks, we hit the 20th anniversary of the due South pilot.  There will be fanworks, there will pic spam and rec sets, people are encouraged to make new art for the event.  It's technically Weds 23rd April, but since that is middle of the week, it's kinda gonna be a week/long weekend of fun instead.  Details are over here.  I'm personally taking fic prompts here if you've got anything.  Failing that... who the hell knows what I'll write?

::contemplates the white screen, winces, and runs away again:: Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
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Given the new LJ 'design' decisions, please comment on DW if you can.

fandoms: due south, still aten't dead, challenges

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