Year-end round up meme

Jan 01, 2014 19:26

I'm way behind on the December meme and will start catching up again soon.  I ran into holidays, then vacation to recover from a fairly stressful couple months.  Looking back, this was not one of my better years for fannish energy or production (or non-fannish, for that matter).  Kind of sucks; I enjoy creating fannish stuff, but I started a lot of things in 2013 and didn't finish nearly enough of them. I'll try to break that trend this year.  (Spending two weeks on codeine probably didn't help, I have to say.)

Finished works:

Can't Get Behind The Line When It's a Cluster(F*ck):  Highlander/Marvel (Opportunities-verse) -- Connor MacLeod, Sharon Carter, OCs galore.  It's not just the Avengers who live in NYC. Some other things that went on during the attack on Manhattan. (Written for Connor's b'day.)  AO3 | LJ

The Extra Miles:  The Shadow -- Margo Lane.  Why in the world would one of the Shadow's people stay kidnapped?  AO3

Auld Lang Syne:  Buffy/HL (Aidan-verse) -- Giles, the Scooby gang, and Alex & Xan (OCs).  The alarm system didn't go off because the five intruders materialized inside the house rather than breaking in. Alternatively, out of the demons' nest, into... the wrong house.  AO3 | DW | LJ

Joe Dawson, B.A.M.F.:  HL/SG-1 (Artifacts-verse) -- Joe, Sam Carter, Jack O'Neill, OCs everywhere.  You can learn a lot of things in 13 weeks of boot, 3 months in Vietnam, and 40 years of Watching immortals. One of the truer ones is that almost no one looks up.  AO3 | DW | LJ

Whispered on the Winds:  HL/Marvel (Opportunities-verse) --  Methos, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton. Five times Methos met Black Widow and, eventually, Natasha Romanov. Or, as Methos likes to put it, four times he ended up dead or 'dead' around Black Widow.  AO3 | DW | LJ

Boxes, Breakfasts, and Boom-Boom:  HL/Haven -- Duke Crocker, Connor MacLeod, Sunda Kastagir, Audrey Parker.  Duke would have sworn he was sober, right up until the point where he walked into the Rouge's galley and surprised a stranger who had a katana.  AO3 | DW | LJ

Cover-Ups:  NCIS/HL (Aidan-verse) -- Hadassah (OC), Ziva David, Kate & Nick Sutherland.  AO3 | DW

2004:  HL -- Matthew McCormick, Cory Raines, epistolary fic. There are a lot of things people say about Cory Raines, but no one ever says he won't pay off a bet.  AO3 | DW

Much Too Good:  HL/Marvel -- Joe Dawson, Darcy Lewis. The report said that some files which weren't supposed to leave Joe's computer had, in fact, been transferred to the permanent section of the new Watcher Archive. If true... wasn't that just the way these things always went?  AO3 | DW

Pietas: HL/Forever Knight -- Marcus Constantine, Lucien LaCroix.  LaCroix is involved, which means nothing's solely as it seems, although technically it might be simple.  AO3 | DW | LJ

Throws Me To The Ground:  HL/Marvel (Opportunities-verse) -- Rich Ryan, Kronos, OC.  Rich Ryan never asked to get shot, or chased by maniacs with blades; he definitely never wanted to end up with someone in the back of his mind trying to take over his body just because the stupid bastard lost the sword fight. He never asked anyone for help, either.  AO3 | DW | LJ

Cyphers:  Leverage/HL (Aidan-verse) -- Alec Hardison, Ysoka Lee, Damien Appesard, Stormy (OCs). Hardison can resist challenges. He just usually doesn't.  AO3 | DW | LJ

Scraps: HL -- OC, HL character [redacted for plot reasons].
spook_me  fic.  When the werewolves told their children about the monster in the woods, he was that monster.   AO3 | DW | LJ

I'm not entirely sure it counts, but I also posted a lengthy out-take from a WIP this year:  36K of Aidan-verse fic, called Debts.  XF/HL (Aidan-vere) -- Fox Mulder, Methos, Duncan MacLeod, Marc Scipio, Rich Ryan, Erin Shea.  Fox Mulder chases a possible Krycek-sighting to Seacouver and runs into an old lover and his new lover. And it just gets more interesting from there.  AO3 | DW | LJ

This year, I was also lucky enough to receive podfic of my work (for the first time ever; whee!): 
SisterofWar podficced And Sinister (X-Files/Greek myth) and Blood Like Wine (HL/Blood Ties) for me.  If you enjoy podfic, go, try them!  And if you enjoy these in particular, please leave feedback!

I have to say:  I am pleased with the pieces I finished and posted.  Most of those are damned good; the series are coming along well and the OCs are interesting.  (I had no idea I knew Ish's student Hadassah and I didn't know Leverage was involved in that mess of Ysoka's.  I just knew I had no idea where to write fic with her.)   But 13 stories is probably my lowest annual count ever.

As to the unfinished stuff, I've written a lot more on various long fics (Depth of Field/Southern Comfort; The Veneer Job; Paving Stones) and started a couple Haven fics (one's almost done), a sequel to Killa's Waylaid, a HL/Dresden Files crossover that needs work, a crazy X-F/Buffy fic that I had almost forgotten.   I have a lot of stuff that got started, stopped for whatever reason... and then forgotten.  In all seriousness, if we talked about a fic I had in progress last year and you're looking forward to it -- please comment and remind me about it.  Even if it's just what fandom and anything of the conversation you remember.  I was so low on spoons last year that I don't remember writing some of the stuff I'm finding.

Mostly, though, I need to just write more and finish more stories.  ::amused:: So I think I'd better go put in some words.  I'm also going to limit my time on Tumblr or games.

However, it's a year end/year beginning meme.  That was the year ending.  For the year beginning, I wish us all a better year than last year, with energy and joy, friendship and love.  I'm glad to know you all.

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stories: aidan-verse, fandoms: stargate sg1, stories: artifacts verse, stories: opportunities-verse, fandoms: marvel, characters: lucien lacroix, characters: aidan's students, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: forever knight, characters: joe dawson, writing: discussions, fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, characters: alex & xan, fandoms: haven, fic: podfic, characters: matthew mccormick, memes, fandoms: leverage

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