December meme: Characters' favorite recipes!

Dec 15, 2013 00:21

devohoneybee : Riffing on the recipes request: pick 3 characters you write (canon or OC) and describe each of their favorite recipes. :)

Alex and Xan both love spanokopita and have cheerful arguments about it. Alex likes throwing in sun-dried tomatoes chopped fine, and he's been known to add kale if there's not enough spinach. Xan likes tossing in chopped black olive, or extra cheese and egg if he wants more protein. Both of them agree wholeheartedly that mass-produced filo is a gift from the gods. And no matter whose version they made, they'll kill an entire pie between the two of them and debate making another the other way -- just for comparison, of course. (The BBC Spanokopita recipe that Alex modifies is over here.)

Connor? Connor loves pizza. (What? He lives in New York. He appreciates a good slice!) He'll eat just about anything on one and has tried any number of the classic versions. His current favorite has mozzarella, pesto, and sun-dried tomatoes, but give him a month, that'll change again. (He modifies from this recipe.)

And Marc? (What? I was talking about Marc in the last post so he's noisy again. I'm good with this.) Marc loves homemade Italian food, as you might imagine. He also enjoys arguing. It's nothing unusual for siblings to call and end up talking to Aidan and Marc both while they debate proportions of veal to pork in one recipe, chicken to cheese in another, and marjoram versus oregano and basil in a third. But honestly, Marc's perfectly happy roasting vegetables in the oven with a little olive oil and garlic, or picking herbs while the pasta boils and the olive oil and pepper grinder are waiting by the bowl. And Aidan?  Aidan just enjoys having a student who likes cooking with her.  (That said, here, Marc and Aidan are both fond of making these when they want finger foods for a party or just a quick dinner before heading back out to Joe's.)

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characters: connor, characters: aidan, recipes, food, december meme, characters: marc scipio, characters: alex & xan

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