Top 10 of the moment

Apr 02, 2013 16:29

samjohnssonvt linked to The Big Giant List of Fantasy and Sci-Fi Books By Women, which is taking nominations for a list of top ten SF/F books by women writers. So I wandered my bookshelves and my Kindle, looking for favorites that I've read and reread and love, books that make me think or changed the way I think. One book per author at that, because 10 books is horrible but if I hadn't said 'one book per author' this would be impossible.

Of course, having gone to the trouble of getting the 10 authors/books and then trying to roughly order them, I thought I'd list 'em here and you guys could list your top 10 in comments if you felt so inclined. What can I say, I'm all in favor of letting the lot of us have the fun of being reminded of old favorites or pointed to new possible favorites.

I'm not sure I've got the right books on all of those, but I definitely have the right authors. (I think there is a Rihannsu omnibus, for example, but I don't have it, so I went with Spock's World on Duane.)
  1. Death of the Necromancer by Martha Wells
  2. Riddle-Master of Hed trilogy by Patricia McKillip
  3. Bride of the Rat God by Barbara Hambly
  4. Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold
  5. Spock's World by Diane Duane
  6. The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper
  7. Ingathering: The People by Zenna Henderson
  8. Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
  9. The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
  10. Witch World by Andre Norton

Feel free to list your favorites in the comments, and I'll come back with a link to the site taking nominations as soon as I find it again!

ETA the link for you guys, although not for some reason the lovely playbill design for it.  Go over here to see that.

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books: recommendations, fandoms: all souls trilogy, authors: barbara hambly, author: martha wells, memes, authors: martha wells, fandoms: star trek, fandoms: riddle-master of hed, authors: diane duane

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