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Jan 13, 2012 18:02

Specific recs from among these: vivwiley & shrewreader , you need to go read the Slings & Arrows fic. (Viv, it's Darren's FAULT.)
lomedet , I'm not sure you want to read the Fairytales one. eldritchhobbit , Taverner's Arms has your name all over it, down in the Sherlock.
devohoneybee , I think you want to read the WC/DW one at the bottom. jimpage363 , check out the Discworld fic. Everyone else, there's a lot of fun stuff in here -- enjoy!

The Avengers (2012): Compelling Distraction, by
Eli Summary: "Oh my god, SHIELD sent us Robin Hood."

Avengers (2012): I'll Have What He's Having, by onthenose . Summary: Thor's love affair with beer.

Birds of Prey (comics): Flew the Coop, by
Amilyn . Summary: With everyone else otherwise occupied, Barbara takes it upon herself to bring down a wide-reaching drug ring circulating out of Blüdhaven. They are, unfortunately, not as oblivious as might have been ideal.

Books of the Rasura: Azure's Consort, by
LiltheHunger Summary: A look into the past of our favorite badass grandpa, and the woman who made him what he is. (If you aren't reading those books, but you're reading my journal, you really do want to go check them out.)

Captain America (2011): The More Things Change, by
Skew . Summary: As far as Bucky's concerned, neither Steve's transformation or the events of the war have changed the friendship between them. However, when a mission doesn't quite go to plan, he finds himself making a foolish decision that might change things forever. (NB: contains cartoonish violence, some use of period-appropriate offensive language.) (If nothing else, read this for the perfectly serious discussion on relationships in the middle of a fire fight! Gloriously imperfect, human, FUNNY relationship. Go read this.)

Captain America: No Rapunzel She, by
Siria . Summary: The Peggy Carter fic I didn't know I'd wanted so badly.

Captain America/X-Men: First Class: Lab Rats and Tin Soldiers, by dancinbutterfly . Summary: What if Sebastian Shaw worked with the Red Skull... and Captain America saved Erik as well as Bucky?

Discworld: Hen Party, by
perryvic . Summary: Tiffany was beginning to regret ever asking Nanny Ogg to be involved in preparations for her impending marriage to Preston.

Fairy tales/Little Red Riding Hood: She-Wolves, by
gehayi . Summary: They did not question that there had been a wolf. There were blood and bodies. Surely that was proof enough. (Don't miss this one. It pulls no punches.)

Leverage: Without Further Comment, by
jenna_thorn . Summary: Sometimes, revenge is sweet.

Leverage/NCIS: 5 3? Ok, more like 4 times Eliot saves Tony (but not really) by chi1013 . Summary: Tony has it all under control. Really. Or, see title. (Pretty funny, and I don't know much about NCIS.)

Leverage/Once Upon a Time: Gaze In Your Mirror, by mizzy2k . Summary: Eliot gets a call out of the blue from an ex-flame, bounty hunter Emma Swan.

Losers/Jurassic Park: Mission: Dinosaur Adventures, by
pollyrepeat . Summary: Jensen couldn't decide whether he was having the best week ever, or the worst.

Meta Horror: The Last Post, by
Rheanna . Summary: Is there anyone here? (Chilling.)

Middleman: The Meandering Exploration Experiment, by
epicycles . Summary: There is only one Middleman. Sometimes he has to travel around a bit to get the job done. (aka Scenes From A Road Trip!) (Be prepared to snicker a lot.)

Middleman/Aquaman: The Cooperative Cetacean Extraction, by nocturnalrites . Summary: The Time Aquaman Had a Whale of a Vacation Moment with the Middleduo. (Read all the headers. Your Grin Per Minute ratio will go up.)

The Mummy: Take That, Bembridge Scholars!, by
Serenccd . Summary: The world has been saved and there's really only one thing left to do. Evy writes a strongly worded letter to the Bembridge Scholars. Oh, she gets married, too.

Sherlock (BBC): Beautiful Ideas, by
metisket . Summary: So it cracks me up that the entire plot is pretty much Mike Stamford’s fault, and yet he manages to completely dodge the fallout. SIR, I SALUTE YOU. Equally, it cracks me up that ACD Mike Stamford spent a lot of time making it clear to John that this, this living with Sherlock thing? WAS NOT HIS IDEA. Whereas modern Mike Stamford seems to find it all hilarious.

Sherlock (BBC): Taverner's Arms, 8? by
in_lighter_ink . Summary: Drinks with someone who not only understands but doesn't make things worse.

Sherlock (BBC)/Edward Gorey: The Baker Street Tinies, by Amy. Summary: Sherlock character demises, in the art style of Edward Gorey. Hilarious, well worth going to look at.

Sherlock Holmes (2009)/Sentinel: Observations on Sentinels and Guides in Victorian London, by .
RyuuzaKochou Summary: A Victorian era AU where Sentinels and Guides are members of everyday society. Starring Sentinel! Holmes and Guide! Watson. (Novel length and an amazing reinterpretation of both fandoms. Enjoy!!)

Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows/Irene Adler novels: Theories to Suit the Facts, by geonncannon
Summary: She was the woman who outsmarted Holmes. One should always expect to find tricks up her sleeve. (Thank goodness for fix-it fic. NB: spoilers for the movie)

Slings & Arrows/The Muppets: Scenes From A Cultural Exchange, or The Muppets Take New Burbage, by
Lovelypoet . Summary: Five moments from a strange season.

Tough Guide To Fantasyland: The Tough Guide To Fantasy Cities, by
MaryCrawford . Summary: You will not encounter any rustic taverns, bards, or bowls of stew on these tours! Instead, expect nightclubs, rock singers, and lots of gourmet coffee. (Hilarious. Think travel guide, snark, and meta and you've got the right idea.)

Vorkosigan Saga: Burn The Topless Towers, by
Miss_Lanyon . Summary: "She'd had the most beautiful imaginable face..." (Terrifying in all its implications.)

Vorkosigan Saga: A Charity Case, by
Miss_Lanyon . Summary: In which Byerly gets a job, Ivan fills in for his mother, the Emperor polishes his retail skills, and the Vorhartung Castle Gift Shop ladies embezzle every mark. Set sometime after A Civil Campaign.

Vorkosigan Saga: Dirtsucker, by
philomytha . Summary: So, they've captured General Count Piotr Vorkosigan. Yeah. Let's see how well *that* goes.

Vorkosigan Saga: Ship Duty by
Miss_Lanyon . Summary: (In the same universe with A Charity Case, but I think I'm glad I read that one first so I'm not putting this before that one.)

White Collar/Doctor Who: Marking Time, by
Mhalachai .Summary: These are the things Peter Burke knows about Neal Caffrey's beginnings. None of these things are true. (Disturbing, I thought, but I suspect the Doctor Who and White Collar fans will find this a very interesting story)
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fandoms: the middleman, easily amused, fandoms: marvel, friday fic, fandoms: white collar, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: the mummy, fandoms: once upon a time, fandoms: captain america, fic: recommendations, fandoms: the losers, reading: the good crack again, fandoms: the muppets, fandoms: slings & arrows, fandoms: fairy tales, fandoms: vorkosiganverse, fandoms: sherlock holmes, authors: martha wells, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: dcu, fandoms: x-men

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