Friday fic, late as usual

Nov 13, 2011 16:35

Avengers (movie): Just Temporary, Ma'am, by
sutlers . Summary: In which Darcy procures a fake boyfriend in order to get Jane off her tits about this "Darcy doesn't have any friends" thing. Which is ridiculous, Darcy has over 300 friends. (It says it's Thor, but when Pepper and Iron Man show up, and Captain America jokes, I call it Avengers. Work with me here.)

Buffy/The West Wing: Ms Summers Goes To Washington, by
beer_good_foamy . Summary: The American people need protection from vampires. Buffy needs funding. The American government has money. You'd think there'd be an obvious solution to this. And so, one day, Buffy, Giles and Willow dressed up in their best business suits and dropped by the White House. (I laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and I never even watched West Wing!)

Firefly: A Girl Needs A Gun These Days, by vialethe . Summary: A missing rich kid, a kidnapped Captain, a houseful of fake Companions, and one redhead con-artist - it's all in a day's work for the ladies of Serenity. (Another from Girl Saves Boy, and amazingly good Firefly fic.)

Hawai'i Five-O: Dignity, by sheaoftheron . Summary: Sleep deprivation. (Yes. I know. I'm not even watching this show. To be honest with you, I'm not even rec'ing this for the pre-slash; I just love Danny yelling at Steve in this.)

Highlander/Leverage: Chasing Death, by
shadeshifter . Summary: Eliot stalks Methos a little. Methos returns the favour. It's like dating for dangerous people. A collection of weird drabbles.

Highlander/X-Files: Darkest Hour, by
Killa . Summary: Several months after "Not to Be," Methos receives a late night call from Joe Dawson. Has someone finally gotten the best of Duncan MacLeod? Or is there more going on? Methos' faith and courage are tested to the limits as he fights to learn the truth about MacLeod's fate. (Yes, I'm sure all of y'all beat me to this one. I freely admit to being a wuss. That said, WOW. With large sidenotes of EEP.) Also, this one's long: 111K.

Magnum, P.I./NCIS: No Vigilantes, by romankate . Summary: New developments in an old case brings former Naval Intelligence Officer and SEAL Magnum to DC.

Sherlock: Hope and Vigil Keep, by hope_tang . Summary: It’s never quiet in a hospital. (Also for Girl Saves Boy, and seriously, this is kick-ass.)

Warehouse 13/Doctor Who: carbon monoxide as I take you home, by darkmagic_luvr . Summary: An almost planet full of almost things where an almost relationship is formed. (Claudia as one of the Doctor's companions works way, way too well -- enjoy!)

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fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, fandoms: the x-files, fandoms: sherlock holmes, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: firefly, fandoms: leverage, friday fic, crossovers, fandoms: warehouse 13, fandoms: highlander

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