Friday Fannish 5 -- scariest villains

Nov 11, 2011 16:00

Today's Friday
fannish5  -- 5 Scariest Villians (as opposed to Favorite Villains).

Let me preface this by admitting that I am a wuss and I do not do horror movies given half a chance.  Also, I reserve the right to change my mind.  I think, however, that I'm going to go with the scariest villain from five different fandoms.  The first three are... variants on each other.

Well-Manicured Man, from X-Files.  That man was terrifyingly focused and competent.  The only saving grace was that he meant to keep the earth intact, but the problem was that if the only way to do that was collaboration, he'd hand over anyone necessary

Kronos, from Highlander -- fascinated by plagues and destroying anything that didn't bow to him.  That would be a problem, but what put him in the top five is that he had enough self-knowledge to be aware of when/where he needed help... and he was capable of going and shanghaiing it.

Zeck, from Nero Wolfe -- Organized and Crime, both capitalized because they should be.  The Moriarty of the Wolfe Canon and, like Moriarty, both terrifying and powerful.  In all honesty, he scared me more than Moriarty.

Jonathon, from Arsenic and Old Lace -- tall, strong, sadistic, and insane.  It's not that he'd as soon kill you as look at you, it's that he'd as soon take his time at killing you if he has to look at you.

The weeping angels from Dr. Who (see icon) -- Mere words cannot describe them.  Just... whatever you do, don't blink.

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fandoms: nero wolfe, memes: friday five, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: highlander

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