27 - Where is your favorite place to write, and do you write by hand or on the computer?
I write on computer, definitely. I can't write fast enough, or legibly enough, to keep up with my thoughts otherwise. Notes for stories can be handwritten and short edits, but not the writing itself. As to where, I like writing in coffee shops or the public library. In the summer I love the guest bedroom at my house, where it's dark and cool even in the summer. (Light- and heat-blocking curtains, how I love you!) The rest of the year, our front room looks out over a star magnolia, which is the favorite perch for the local blue jays, and I like to work there. I've written just about anywhere, really, including in a car on long road-trips, or hotel rooms and lobbies, but my favorite's one of the local coffee shops.
I'm not as bad as Louis L'Amour, who said he could write in the middle of an intersection if need be. What about the rest of you?
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