Writing meme, day 3 -- favorite characters

Jul 04, 2011 19:19

3 - For each of the fandoms from day two, what were your favorite characters to write?

29 fandoms? Oh, this will take a while.  Thank goodness for cut-tags!  (Also some of these are obvious, and some are similar, and most have been in crossovers. Some may yet be in crossovers.  Fandoms in the entry tags are listed to remind me which story ideas are in here. Help?)

Highlander -- Favorites?  Erm.  Connor MacLeod, Matthew McCormick, Methos, Rebecca Horne, Darius, Marcus Constantine.  That'll do for a start.

X-Files -- Alex Krycek.  No question at all.

Forever Knight -- Lucien LaCroix.

Buffy -- Oz Osborne, Rupert Giles, Spike, and I've been wanting to write Tara Maclay.

Stargate SG-1 -- Jack O'Neill, Cameron Mitchell, Teal'c, Vala. 

American Gods -- Shadow, although Bast might be interesting, or Thoth.

A-Team -- Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith is appalling easy to write.  I should be embarrassed about that.  Also?  Now I want to write A-Team/White Collar, to which I can only say 'Eep?'

Bible (New Testament) -- Actually, I kind of enjoyed writing God and Christ.  Oops?

Blood Ties -- Henry Fitzroy, although I'd love to write the lovely deadpan coroner.

Burn Notice -- Fiona Glenanne, Madeleine Westen, Michael Westen.

Chronicles of Amber -- Fiona of Amber, and I'd like a reason to write Corwin and Merlin, honestly. ::considers:: And maybe, Bleys, too.

Chronicles of Master Li & Number Ten Ox -- Number Ten Ox.  Master Li's a little harder for me; that man has a mind like a triple-jointed snake and thinks he's perfectly comprehensible.  Plus I just don't have a degree in Chinese studies, which you need to write Master Li correctly.

Discworld -- Death, Death of Rats, Binky.

due South -- Diefenbaker, Benton Fraser, Robert Fraser, Ray Kowalski.

Firefly -- please Whomever, not River again!  She's rough on the mind.

From Eroica with Love -- Z, G, the Alphabet in general, Dorian, Bonham.

Full-metal Alchemist -- Ed, Al, Roy, and I'd love to write Hawkeye.

Good Omens -- Crowley, Aziraphale, and a temptation to write the Four Horsemen.  (I'd love to cross the Good Omens Horsemen with Pratchett's Ronnie Soak just for the confusion and snark.)

Greco-Roman myth -- Hades, Persephone, Hermes.  (Yes,
devohoneybee ,
lomedet , I'm well aware this explains a lot.)

James Bond movies -- Bond (I was aiming for Daniel Craig or early Connery versions there), but I'd enjoy writing M (Judi Dench), Moneypenny, and/or Q.

Lord Peter Wimsey novels -- Honoria Delgardie Wimsey.  Come to think about it, I think I'd enjoy writing Bunter.

Magnificent 7 -- Ezra, Josiah, Nathan, Vin.

Nero Wolfe novels -- Saul Panzer for the win!  Although, honestly?  I'd enjoy writing any of the regulars (Archie Goodwin, Nero Wolfe, Friz Brenner, Lily Rowan, even Inspector Cramer or Sgt. Stebbins) and have a temptation to write a Wimsey crossover now!

Pirates of the Caribbean --  Captain Jack Sparrow, really.  I didn't like the 2nd or 3rd movies enough to use their characters, but I'd like an excuse to write James Norrington, Anamaria, or Lt. Gillette.

Riddle-master of Hed -- Lyraluthuin of Herun, the Morgol's guards, Danan of Isig.  Rood of An and Mathom of An, too, even if that fic's not finished.

Stargate Atlantis -- Elizabeth Weir, interestingly enough, and I've muttered for ages about wanting to write Lorne/Teyla/Zelenka. (My competence kink, let me show it to you.)

Supernatural -- John Winchester was a stubborn, frustrating SOB... but he does make stories move.

Undercover Blues -- Muerte.  ::giggling:: A complete lack of competence, but what the heck?

White Collar -- it's odd, I keep thinking I should like writing Peter Burke, but I'd really rather write Elizabeth Burke, or June.  And if I can ever get Mozzie's voice, I have a crossover in mind.  (Anyone who can write Mozzie, talk to me, please?)

Witchblade -- Sara Pezzini.  No question.

Looking this list over, I'd say I like them competent, dangerous, or smart.  I always have liked the 'little black dresses' and I think I have more than half a dozen of those on that list....  Failing any or all of that, I'll  settle for 'will keep a story moving.'  Interesting.  Time to go walk, and make dinner, and then I think I'm going to stay up writing.

The full list of questions, linked to answers, is here.

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fandoms: lord peter wimsey books, fandoms: stargate, fandoms: nero wolfe, fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, fandoms: good omens, fandoms: full metal alchemist, fandoms: chronicles of amber, memes, fandoms: james bond, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: a-team

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