Canon AUs

Jun 01, 2011 21:12

There's a tag on AO3 for 'Alternate Universe -- Canon' which, I will freely admit, made me spend five minutes going, "What the hell?"  Then Alysswolf went, "Oh, right, Star Trek Mirroverse, or the Buffy ep where there's an evil Willow."  And we spent the next ten minutes going, 'Huh, what else?"  She came up with the Stargate Quantum mirrors and ( Read more... )

fandoms: stargate sg-1, fandoms: witchblade, fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, fandoms: highlander

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beccadg June 2 2011, 02:52:01 UTC
In New Who there's the Pete's World AU. I don't know how many AU's there are in the DC universe anymore, they've tried to tidy them up repeatedly, but I know there are lots in the Marvel universe. My favorite Marvel universe AU while I was still reading the books regularly was Age of Apocalypse.


gryphonrhi June 2 2011, 03:01:22 UTC
Oh, yeah, comics kind of rule at this. And huh, Who doesn't really surprise me somehow.


beccadg June 2 2011, 03:30:20 UTC
I don't watch Supernatural regularly so I don't know how many AU's they've done, but I know they had a Groundhog Day style episode with a bunch of AUs, and they did a meta episode this season where the characters met their actors and the crew. The TV show Sliders was one AU after another. In the Torchwood novel The Twilight Streets there was an AU that I liked better than Children of Earth even if Ianto did die in it too.


gryphonrhi June 2 2011, 03:41:29 UTC
Oh, man, I'd completely forgotten Sliders -- thanks! ::nodding:: Yeah, novels like to play around with AUs.


beccadg June 2 2011, 16:20:55 UTC
Oh, man, I'd completely forgotten Sliders -- thanks!

You're welcome!


eponin10 June 2 2011, 13:19:52 UTC
Supernatural had the Djinn-verse AU, too. :)


gryphonrhi June 2 2011, 19:37:08 UTC
From what I'm hearing, SPN has half a dozen AUs! (Smith and Wesson? Not aliases?)


eponin10 June 3 2011, 12:12:07 UTC
Not aliases. :D Though SPN's AUs are sometimes half-AUs in that it can be more memories being messed with rather than true alternate universes/realities.


gryphonrhi June 3 2011, 16:33:01 UTC
::snickering helplessly:: So is there a half-life for half-AUs? Yeah, I finally go there from Killa's comments on the DW entry. Too funny!


eponin10 June 3 2011, 16:34:23 UTC
Heh. *giggles*


feonixrift June 2 2011, 04:44:26 UTC
And possibly the year that never was. (Also New Who.)


beccadg June 2 2011, 16:17:31 UTC
*Nods.* I didn't think of The Year That Wasn't simply because of how self contained it is. Canon AU's come in different varieties. The Pete's World one is a parallel world where characters from the normal timeline can crossover to it. TYTW timeline and the "Turn Left" timeline are self contained ones. The first begins and ends with the existence of the Paradox Machine. The second begins and ends with the thing on Donna's back. Yeah, there are multiple AU's in New Who.


gryphonrhi June 2 2011, 19:38:05 UTC
Oooh, yeah!


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