A day on the Blue Ridge Parkway by colors

Apr 22, 2011 15:21

Green eggs and ham*.  (
merfilly , you probably even know where we ate breakfast!) Blue ridges and blue haze. Green hills and brown slopes.  Grey skies turning to white clouds. Copperhead snake on the log bridge to continue our hike. (We retraced our steps.)  Chocolate lab, black lab, golden retriever.  Tiny purple flowers, maroon trillium (I think?  It looked like it), yellow bouquet flowers, white, pink, and purple flowering trees.  White water cascades.  Purple lace panties caught on briars by a scenic overlook.  Pink fabric swathes in a bare tree (if it hadn't been in the middle of nowhere, I'd have thought they were Easter draperies for a church.)

It was a gloriously colorful vacation day, can you tell?

*Scrambled eggs, with onion, bell pepper, spinach, ham, and cheese.  Major yum and I only stole a bite of Dragon's!

ETA:  Having now looked at the photos?  Oh, yeah.  That was a poisonous snake, all right!

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day in the life, smokies, holidays, easily amused

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