AO3 meme

Apr 16, 2011 14:41

Gacked from
lferion and
highlander_ii :

List your 10 fics on AO3 that have gotten the most hits.

10. Imaginings and Incantations, Highlander (HL). Duncan MacLeod, Methos, Connor MacLeod. D/M

Summary: What if it wasn't Methos who can't commit or change his ways? Duncan/Methos first time, aka "The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove" fic.

Written years ago, in um, '99? Maybe? Finished up at GatewayCon in St. Louis, around talks by Pratchett and Hamilton on long series. I always hoped Sleeps With Coyotes would write her own Mr. Lovegrove D/M fic, since she pointed me to the song, but that's not going to happen now. On the other hand, there's an HL vid to it by Killa and Carol S.

09. Junctures, HL/due South. Benton Fraser, Ray Kowalski, Diefenbaker, two OCs.

Summary: Fraser and the sword. (If you know due South, do not eat or drink while first reading!)

Written for Crossovers100 and because of a line that I misremembered from an LJ conversation. I think the two nameless immortals might be back one day, too.

08. Constants, HL/Firefly. Amanda.

Summary: Her name has always been Amanda, and no Companion would ever betray her.

Technically written for Crossovers100, and for Killa and Raine's birthdays, but really? The first line jumped me while I was driving home from errands and I had to write the thing in one fell swoop.

07. Hot Pursuit, HL/due South. Matthew McCormick, Benton Fraser, Deifenbaker.

Summary: Law enforcement officers can't resist hot pursuit. 800 year old FBI agents are no exception to this rule, especially when it's a Mountie in a speeding carriage chasing a wolf through Chicago.

Written for Crossovers100 and as a mental change of pace from an angst-fest I was writing at the time. (Memento Mori, maybe?) Anyway, it's just fun.

06. Not In My Bar, HL/A-Team. Joe Dawson, Hannibal Smith, Templeton Peck.

Summary: Not everyone is welcome in Joe's bar.

Written for Crossovers100 and because there's never enough Joe fic. I didn't expect a double drabble to be this popular, but man, it was fun to write!

05. Five Ways Burn Notice and Highlander Never Crossed Over and One Way They Did, HL/Burn Notice. Annie Devlin, Benny Carbassa, Darius, Fiona Glenanne, Hugh Fitzcairn, Madeleine Westen, Michael Westen, Nate Westen, Richard Ryan, Sam Axe, Sunda Kastagir.

Summary: Exactly what the title says. Everything from flirting to bombs to unexpected friendships, just like the shows. Written for Crossovers100, and the first story I published to AO3.

04. A Deadly Virtue, HL. Methos, Duncan, Rich, Joe, OC villain. D/M.

Summary: "You could kill me any night I lay down beside you," Duncan answered huskily. "And every morning I wake up with you warm, and breathing, and wrapping yourself around me. Yes, there was a time when you were him. Actually," he murmured ruefully, releasing his grip on his lover's shirt, "I suspect you were better at it."

Written for Futures Without End back when ('98?), and with a villain I'm glad to have back out of my head. Everything he did made perfect sense to him, I will say that much.

03. Right Place, Wrong Thief, HL/White Collar. Methos, Duncan, Neal Caffrey, D/M.

Summary: One of these days, Methos will have an uneventful lunch with Duncan.

Also written for Crossovers100 and I really need to write more of this; Methos' new persona looks like fun. One of my most recent fics, so I'm very surprised it's in the top 3. Except for the part where WC is a very popular fandom these days!

02. Ruffled Feathers, HL/Good Omens. Aziraphale, Methos, Crowley.

Summary: "Well," the angel pointed out, "his parentage is hardly his fault, Methos. It's not as if the Nephilim were allowed to marry. You know that."

"Oh, quit being reasonable," Methos snarled.

Written for Crossovers100, the first one I wrote for that, pure crackfic, and great fun. I'm glad it's so high up the list.

01. First Harvests, HL. Duncan, Rich, Joe, Aidan. D/M implied.

Summary: Immortality goes to geniuses and morons alike.

The last Aidan-verse fic I have up on AO3 or HLFiction, which will be corrected when I have a little more time and spoons, drat it!

All of which tells me that people like fun fic, and White Collar, and slash. Big surprises there, huh?

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fandoms: good omens, fandoms: due south, memes, fandoms: white collar, fandoms: a-team, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: burn notice, ao3

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