I'm easily amused

Dec 01, 2010 16:50

Over the years, people have given me and Dragon any number of stuffed animals, frequently highly unusual ones. (I have a kiwi, a dolphin, a roadrunner, a hedgehog... you're starting to get the idea, I suspect.) Well, they tend to acquire names. And personalities. (Don't even ask about Nermal unless you want a very long discussion. Nermal is a force unto herself.)

Anyway. Several of them are named after familiar characters: Kastagir and Connor (black leopard and cheetah), Alex/Sasha (Krycek) (the bandit bear), Matthew/Shadow (he's a burglar bear), Amanda and Rebecca (mongoose and red fox respectively), Sam (Axe, not Carter, sorry; a ridiculously soft snowy owl), Fiona (a lynx cub with huge paws), etc. It occurred to me the other night that I didn't have a Methos. Not, mind you, that we need another stuffed animal, and I hadn't planned to get one.

However, I run errands once a week with Alysswolf, and our schedules work out such that early Weds. morning is it. We generally start out with coffee (mine) and hot chocolate (hers) at Starbucks first. And Starbucks, where I should have been safe blast it!, is selling this guy:

He's amazingly soft and pettable. And he's a writer. Alyss laughed and said he was my first holiday present, since she always has trouble figuring out presents for me and Dragon.

And I thought about that conversation with Dragon, and I looked at the mouse again, and said, "Hey, he's just a mouse." Pardon me, I'll just be over here giggling at Adam the Mouse. And not getting him a sword, thanks.

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fandoms: x-files, fandoms: burn notice, fandoms: highlander, easily amused

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