Just a little busy today

Nov 24, 2010 16:58

So far today I've hit two grocery stores, been to Target twice (the grocery didn't have one item I needed), gone by the Post Office, picked up a ham at the Honey Baked Ham store, gotten a sugar free apple pie elsewhere, made brownies, hennaed my hair, and still stayed on my diet.  (This was not easy with those brownies,either.)

In ten minutes, I need to wake Dragon up from his nap so we can shower and go see his family.  ::amused:: And, there's a wind advisory tonight, and a winter weather advisory tomorrow.  Right now, it's 72, which is too warrm for this time of year.  Tomorrow night, we're supposed to drop to 30 while it rains.  Yeah.  Not sounding good to me either!

Oh, well!  Happy thanksgiving, those of you celebrating it this weekend.

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day in the life, weather, family, holidays

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