Raine, Eponin, do you have time to beta a fic for me?

May 21, 2010 16:45

5500 words, so about 11 pages?  Um.  I finally rewrote that HL/SPN crossover to my satisfaction.  ::bemused:: Holy shit.  Okay, I'm headed home from the library, ladies, but, um, yeah.  If you have time.  I'll hand the hardcopy to my in-town betas tonight, too, and Merewyn's been watching SPN so she can help with that, but damn.  I did it.  I thought this mother was never gonna work...

vaznetti ,
killabeez , the one you saw ages ago that I've been sitting on because Vaznetti said it needed more unpacking. WHEE!)

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crossovers100, fandoms: supernatural, crossovers, fandoms: highlander, writing: beta requests

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