Today's Friday Fannish 5

May 21, 2010 12:57

fannish5 :  Name five characters you'd like to take a road-trip with, and where you'd go.

Hell, keeping this down to five is going to be terrible.  Groups, yeah, that's it....

5 Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson:  Having given a couple of 'why I love this place' tours, I would *love* to wander Ankh-Morpork with Carrot.  Stop a crime or three while meeting everyone and hearing about everything?  Oh, yeah!

4 Dr. Henry Deacon & Sheriff Jack Carter: the Eureka tour, with scientific and catastrophic sidenotes from the two of them.  And, if I'm lucky, a chance to go visit the firing range with Deputy Jo.

3 Saul Panzer and Archie Goodwin, the New York tour.  See everything, hear all sorts of stories that are probably only partially accurate, and have a complete blast.  (And, if I'm really, really lucky, Fritz's cooking and maybe even a conversation with Wolfe.)

2 Connor MacLeod and Matthew McCormick: the US wanderings, for the history, the one-upping stories, and the snarking back and forth.  (And the eye candy.)

1 Joe Dawson and Methos: the European beers, books, and music tour.  I mean, really: who could ask for more?

Hmm. I may have to do the female version of this list tomorrow!

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fandoms: nero wolfe, memes: friday five, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: eureka, fandoms: highlander

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