I currently have three Dreamwidth invites to spare. (Five, if I can find a relevant email...) If anyone needs them, shout out. First come, first served. To keep track of who's first for invites, I'll set this to take replies only at Dreamwidth (also so you guys can tell me if using OpenID at Dreamwidth drives you crazy). Reply here if you want an invite, give me the email addy you want it sent to, all comments will be set to screened. I'll unscreen any that don't have an email address or where you tell me to go ahead despite the addy.
I also have three, maybe four (depending on how you count them), memes to do and post. Hmm. Tonight, maybe.
Because I also have several weird* crossovers to write. So, off to go write at the library, and feed a cat.
* Re: weird. Fandoms currently in progress in these crossovers: Big Trouble in Little China, Burn Notice, Highlander, MacGyver, Magnificent 7, Miss Marple, Stargate SG-1,Sackett/Talon novels, and X-Files. That's, um, for six stories. What a mess. Off to go write at the library, and feed a cat.
This entry was originally posted at
http://rhi.dreamwidth.org/389622.html. Please comment there using OpenID.