Posts I haven't made lately

Nov 17, 2008 13:17

In no particular order:

I dragged Dragon out at lunch a week ago, before the 48 hours of rain hit, to drive around and look at fall trees on his lunch hour. Absolutely beuatiful. Just now, I have a huge old ginko up the street from me that's solid yellow and gold; cattycorner from it, a maple hasn't finished shedding yet and is gloriously, brazenly red. Really lovely.

Ole Miss won their sixth game of the season Saturday (okay, okay, 59-0 is more like a stomp), which qualifies them for a bowl game. It's been a few years (and one coach) since they've done that! The day was about 44 degrees F before the windchill, and I think the wind hit 15 mph at times. There was also rain at times, and sun not enough times. By the time we left in the 3rd quarter (at 45-0, the only way we were going to lose was if the team quit taking the field, pretty much), even I was starting to wonder if my teeth were going to start chattering, and I'd dressed appropriately. Fun game, though, and boy did we appreciate the fire and hot coffee after!

Things not to do: when trying to shift into tailor-seat (or Indian-style; whatever you've heard that folded-legs position called), do not raise your leg sharply while it is still under the bar counter. Particularly, do not slam the top of the kneecap into the under edge of the bar. OW. Ice and jao are wonderful things, and the knee's bearing weight very nicely. It just doesn't like any pressure directly applied to the top of the kneecap.

Dragon, Mary and I watched the Twin Peaks pilot a week ago Saturday -- slower paced than I'm used to anymore, but fucking *creepy*. And Dragon and I rewatched the pilot of Witchblade (the opening segments make much more sense if you know what the Witchblade is, I have to say!) and the following ep, and found we were as suspicious of one of the characters this time as last, we just knew why this time. And Ian Nottingham is *still* fucking creepy. (I have to say, though, that watching the second ep reminded me of both Matrix and the first Krycek ep on XF, the one with the soldier who could cast illusions. Bizarre.)

My condolences to everyone who's in/went through election news withdrawal. I wasn't exactly what I'd call rabid about following polls/articles/news on it, and I found I was looking for more news through about the 6th. I can only imagine how y'all who were more involved in it are doing. (Er. Have we heard what's up with the Minnesota senatorial position, or how Missouri's electors will be going?)


That site is amazingly neat for keeping me from procrastinating on writing, but I plan to stick to 20 minute blocks of time; it only gives you one pause per block of time, which can be problematic for fetching, say, coffee and refills. Also, the 'copy to clipboard' function retained my paragraph breaks, but the text at the bottom of the page had lost them. Just FYI if you try it. Fun, though!

family, health, writing: updates, politics, dragon, day in the life, fandoms: witchblade, football, fandoms: twin peaks

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