What the hell. The (adapted) twenty first lines meme, since it looked like fun. The idea is to guess/remember which story goes with which first line and I added one extra, since the first line's a gimme. The first five people to guess more than ten right get to give me three words -- not names; seeing who turns up is half the fun -- for prompts for a short fic. (Okay, this is me; I'll hope it's short. Sometimes they aren't.) I'll do my best, anyway.
Yes, the first one is obvious, but I still love that opening line. Answers in a day or so. And the only hint I'll give is that this covers a wide swathe of my fandoms.
- Gregor was fairly certain that Duncan would have mentioned it if he'd loaned him a cabin that came with a wolf.
- The men involved were, when all was said and done, professionals.
- The guy's barely shorter than I am, I doubt he's lighter, and I'm starting to think he's every bit as dangerous.
- She killed her first man when she was thirteen.
- Matthew McCormick studied the jail cell with a careful eye for the details.
- "I need a vacation, you said."
- The ticking of the clock drew him up the first time, aggravating him with the irregular beat -- or he was fading in and out?
- Her face was white as milk, there on the asphalt.
- It began as it always began: a sudden sharp pain behind his temples, like a spike hammered completely through his head in one blow.
- Blood cleans off a blade so easily, really.
- He's quiet, our stranger, with the strained, tight silence of a dog that's been kicked for every bark from 'hey, you're not supposed to be in here' to 'hello.'
- He killed again today.
- The road tugs at your feet: cold, wet, sucking mud like spring nights hunting for a lost ewe about to have her lamb, ruts under your soles like the roads into the West when you left New York the first time to cross the Plains.
- The road is old, a narrow ribbon of beaten earth running between browning fields of corn left standing, unpicked, under a red-orange harvest moon.
- Silence poured over the night, dense and moving from spot to spot ahead of the rushing wind.
- The sun's baking him in his own salt, hot enough already that the sky's more white than blue.
- Liquid trickled down his back, rain or sweat, but just out of reach and incredibly annoying as a result.
- Mulder pulled the jeep over onto the shoulder of the Blue Ridge Parkway and turned off the engine, ignoring the lack of guardrails.
- I awoke to the scratch of wool and the scent of someone who was mine.
- The teachers never tell you about this part of a quickening.
- They don't tell you things like this at the Watcher academy.
Edited to explain the idea, since clearly I wasn't awake enough when I did this... Thanks, Killa!