The first crack!fic fandom -- Greek mythology.

Nov 20, 2006 15:27

No, really. Greek myths are the original crack fic. Worse, I can prove it.

Wingfic? No problem at all. Icarus ring any bells, folks? Or Hyakinthos making out with Zephyrus?

Mpreg? Right here, twice for the same god: Zeus birthing Athena from his skull and Dionysus from his thigh.

Animal (and stranger) transformations, and everyone taking them in stride? Oh, hell, yes. Io into a cow and back, Leda and Zeus in swan form (poor woman had two babies and two eggs?!?), river nymphs into trees, gods into showers of gold (eeeew!) that can get women pregnant... this list really can go on, and on, and on.

Genderswapping? Tireisias, who went from male to female to male, and later had to discuss with Zeus and Hera which gender enjoyed sex more -- although he can't have been too convincing, since I know of no story in which Zeus became female to get laid....

Heterosexuality? Ares and Aphrodite, which covers adultery, too. (Really, Zeus covers that -- and any female who couldn't flee fast enough -- all by himself.)

Homosexuality? Hyakinthos and Apollo or Zephyros (wingfic, get your wingfic here!), Achilles & Patroclus, Alexander & Hephaistion, etc, etc.

Bisexuality? Zeus with Ganymede and half a hundred goddesses, demigoddesses, dryads, nymphs, and humans.

Bestiality? Pan and sheep, no problem at all, or the origins of the minotaur. For that matter, you could accuse several of Zeus' mistresses of it, too; he did seem to have a thing for animal form. (Apollo's a randy bugger, too.)

Narcissism? They invented the term.

Virgins with swords, and other means of defense? Oh, yeah, male and female both. Artemis, Athena, Hippolytos....

Incest? Oh, let's go with Hades and his niece, Persephone. Plenty of examples, though.

Weird origins? Aphrodite from Ouranos' severed balls, or Erechtheus, conceived from Hephaistos' premature ejaculation. Oh, and Kentauros, the first centaur, was the result of Ixion impregnating a cloud masquerading as Hera....

::laughing:: Hell, the Greeks even turned men into dolphins first. (Dionysus and the pirates.) No dinosaurs, but I'm sure if they'd known about them, we'd have a story about someone becoming one. They did turn men and women into trees, rivers, flowers, stars, and insects. For that matter, the Greek myths shaped men back out of insects, dragon's teeth, and the ashes of dead enemies....

Panic and seduction, wars and secrets, angst, comedy, low humor and barnyard animals? All there. Revenge fic? The Greeks didn't invent it, but they tried hard to perfect it. As I said in an earlier post, we even have post-episode fic (an epic poem written a thousand years after The Illiad and The Odyssey, filling in the missing time) and I can make a case for The Odyssey as early hurt/comfort fic. (Okay, honestly, adina_atl is right. It's really H/H/H/H/H/c fic. ;->)

I knew we had long-standing tradition behind us, but this is almost ridiculous. I had fun, though. ::cheerful:: Additions to this list happily taken.

This list brought to you by my warped mind and the first five chapters of Richard Buxton's The Complete World of Greek Mythology.

fanfic, writing: discussions, meta, cheerful things, greek, mythology

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