
Aug 28, 2006 22:12

::headdesk. repeat. repeat. repeat. facepalm because it's easier on my head::

And it's my own damn fault. It makes perfect sense for Aidan to have gone through a few dozen names... but I'm sitting here going, "Yes, but damn it, which names did she use when?" You know it's going to be one of those nights when you're trying to think like Phillippe Albans to remember what name she was using when she got forcibly committed.... Bugger, bugger, bugger. Anybody know what names she's mentioned to have used in the last 200 years or so? Sunny I can remember, and Farrell knows her name was Phoebe in Australia, but my other muses are *laughing*, drat it! Help?

1890s ? -- Clarissa (Ferguson) in British Columbia.
1940s -- Phoebe, no last name listed, in Australia.
1960s -- Sunny, no last name given.

Anyone got anything else, as I spotcheck my own fic and mutter about 'Damn it, I should have done a timeline for this *years* ago...'

challenges: lyric wheels, crossovers100, day in the life, characters: aidan, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: highlander

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