The thank you is to
eponin10 who kindly pointed me to
Quick Plot, which is what I'm mentioning FYI. (The link goes to the free download.)
On first looking over the program's table of contents/help file, I really had my doubts about this. (Which now makes me think that possibly I was too tired to be dealing with it.) Tonight I started typing up what I have so far of Paving Stones, and I'm now in love with Quick Plot. Since several of
y'all write, some at great length, I'm mentioning it.
Oh, and while I'm at it? For those of you who claim you don't do plots? ::coff
Stupid Plot Tricks, a brainchild of Theresa Nielsen Haydon, is hilarious fun and has the potential to kick out some very interesting stories... or at least give you some ideas of what you may not want to do, which might tell you why you don't want to do it.
As long as I'm tossing out useful writing links, and it seems I am:
The Chicago Manual of Style Bartleby's Great Books online: quotes, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus, usage
A random name generator, using US Census Bureau data
Encyclopedia MythicaSun and moon data in the US Have fun and hope these are helpful to someone. Quick Plot certainly seems to be helping me!