
Sep 27, 2006 12:08

So, I didn't get to play in the Dan's Angel game last night. Things came up, mostly stuff that needed two people present to be discussed... and well that went on for quite some time. Nothing too horribly bad, just issues brought up that need to be dealt with. Most of the issues are mine, and the dealing with 'em is starting today while some started last night. So, I'm working on me again (which I should do on a regular basis, really).

Then my boss comes in and drops a bomb... but says the bomb isn't official yet, it's still being discussed and will probably die out and come back in another four months or so. I'm thinking not cuz this is the first I've heard of it. Then again, my boss before him never really told me anything. It's this whole secrecy thing they have going on, not telling anyone anything and keeping a lot of stuff under lock and key. It's annoying. But, this bomb could be life-changing... and well, I don't know if I want to go the alternate route this could take me, if it happens. Grah!

I'm finally workin' shit out for myself, dealing with all the me crap and now I have to deal with this crap too. Frustrating. As not only has this upset me, but it's also upset Connie who's my best employee. She's been helping me with trying to get more done here, ways to bring in most customers, add more appeal to what we've got. It's very upsetting.

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