Mar 03, 2008 11:21

I cannot believe it's been 6 months since my last post....yes, I am alive. The sad thing is, I read everyone elses posts every week or so. Well, let's catch up...Liane (matt's sister) her boyfriend and liane's 2 kids are still living in our basement. She's been looking for a better job (20 hours a week at a mall hair salon doesn't make much money). Sara's doing very well in school (straight A's her 1st report card, 2 B's her 2nd). She's into these new things calld UB Funkeys ( so we have to scour target and walmart for them everytime we go.
I managed to slag my video card last night (turns out the sporadic issues I'd been having with my PC were caused by several wads of dust the size of quarters in the heat-sink in my video card, which we did not realize until it pretty much melted last night). So I have an old card in here till I can get a new one...and man, it makes WoW ugly and slow :-/.
The most exciting news this week is Matt finished my studio! For those who didn't know (read: everyone 'cause I've been too damn lazy to post and keep you all up to date) I've recently gotten into lampworking...using a torch to melt glass into beads and figures.
I'm so excited...we had to tear up 1/2 the carpet in our main-floor guest bedroom and put down cement board (molten glass + carpet = BAD). Mat built me an awesome work bench, hooked up my ventilation system, and my Kiln arrived last week. I'm just waiting for my torch, tools and glass to arrive (ETA Thursday...gotta find a closer supplier than California...I ordered the stuff last week :-/). So I can't wait for it to arrive and get started. (I'll post pics as soon as I can find the drivers for our digital Camera).
My bother Joe finishes his recruiting gig (he's in the Navy) soon, and has been accepted into the Seabee's...he's really really happy (desk jobs do NOT suit him). He leaves for training the 1st week in june, so We're having one last family vacation before he goes sometime in May..Mom, Bob and Joe are coming down, and we're all going to Washington DC for a few days. I don't care what we see as long as I get some time at the National Zoo.
Matt's STILL working in Baltimore, I wish we could get him somethng closer to york that would pay nearly as well. I'm still working from home for Snake Removal, though once I get good with my lampworking, I may start selling some of my stuff on Etsy or Ebay for some extra "discresionary funds."
The weather's actually nice..darn near 60..I have all the windows open and I'm getting a start on my spring cleaning....or at least I'm trying to.
We've moved our treadmills into the bedroom, on the theory that we'd use them more....worked for the first week. We really need to get back to using them. Though with our new "eating healther and TRYING to excersise" Matt's lost about 14 pounds in 2 months. We just have to keep it up.
well, that's about all I can think of (yea, I know...5 paragraphs for 6 months...see why I don't post, I live a boring life!!) I'll try try try to be better about posting!
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