responsible dog owner?

Jan 30, 2008 17:39

Okay, I know some people have beefs with dog owners/dog walkers. And rightfully so. I see so much dogshit on the edges of peoples lawns that it really pisses me off. Despite bylaws that require people to pick up after their dogs, it seems the majority neglect to. And if called on it, they say they "forgot" a bag. I think it's a load of bullshit, personally, and all dog walkers have earned a bad name for it.

I have three dogs.

I have always picked up after them. Always.

I have moved into a place that has no yard whatsoever to let my dogs out in, so I have to take them for walks, on the leash, 3 or 4 times a day, rain or shine, bitter cold or blazing heat. No big deal, it's part of the responsibility of owning a dog, let alone 3 of them.

So, today is a windy day, and fecking cold out. I deliberately didn't put my trash out today because I knew it would blow away, or at least the recycling would, so consequently the street is full of garbage from everyone else who did not follow suit. Anyhow, that's besides the point.

I got home from work, and hooked up my dogs to take them for a walk, as I do, multiple times a day. I'm out for about 20 minutes, and the dogs are freezing, and I'm on my way home. About three houses up from mine, my littlest dog, a 5 lb teacup yorkshire terrier, squats on the edge of a yard (so close to the edge, his piddle is running on the sidewalk) beside a fire hydrant to take a leak, so i pause and wait for him. A lady comes storming out of the house to whom the yard belongs and shouts "Don't let your dogs go on my lawn!" I apologize, holding up the bag of dogpoop, and say that I always pick up after them. Her reply? "I don't care. Don't let your dogs go on my lawn ever, once they mark it, they will always go there, and I don't want no dogs going on my lawn." What am I supposed to do, my puppy's got a small bladder. Then the lady says, "That's irresponsible. I won't walk my dog because I don't want him to go on other people's property. He stays in the yard." Then she glares at me, and heads back in the house. I call after her that I'm sorry, I don't have a yard, but I don't think she heard me.

There are no dog parks anywhere near where I live. Closest is about a 15 minute drive away. I have no yard, and besides, dogs require more excercise than they can get in a backyard. City dogs need to be walked. It's a fact of having them. I know this lady, in her fury, is a minority, but what options are there? How am I supposed to keep my dogs from piddling on a lawn, especially a fire hydrant, or pooping where they have to go? I pick up the poop, but I don't see there's much I can do about piddles. What is a dog owner supposed to do in such a case? Even if I walked to a park or a trail, they are bound to "go" before I get there. Fucking people.

So who is the responsible pet owner? The one who walks their dogs and picks up their poop, but inadvertantly allows the dogs to pee on other peoples property, or the one who never walks their dog and lets it only into the backyard?

I hate humans. They piss me off.
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