Pink Wing, female
These girls rock! They lay eggs even if there are no males around. So the eggs are perfect clones of themselves. One of my two girls just laid her first eggs, unfortunately, I accidentally washed a few of them down the sink. They also FLY! When cleaning their tank the other night, one got away and flew into the dining room. It was a race between Zach and I as to who was going to get to the cool flying bug first! Thankfully, I won.
Aretaon asperrimus, from Borneo, female
I have 3 of these, but I'm not as crazy about them as I am my Pinkies. These appeal to the spikey liking people, though. My friend much prefers these over the pinkies. But these are mine, and I refer to them as the step stick bugs! Spikes, whatever! Where are their wings?!
As you can see, I finally found a good use for the phone book!