Well, I found out a couple days ago that the photo lab will be closing here in a couple months. Only reason I even found that out was because I was talking to one of the district managers about random things (which turned into a three hour conversation) and I was telling him that this job wasn't paying my bills, told him how much I make now versus my last job, ect. I told him that I really enjoyed the photo lab and the mechanics behind it (once again, I'm the only one in the store that knows how to run it) and that's when he layed it on me that it was closing.
...but, he then started telling me that someone of my "knowledge and potential" shouldn't be making what I was and should definately be in a management "type" job. So what did he do? Told me to leave Randalls (yep, a district manager telling me to leave the company), saying that there was no where I could go in this company that I would be truely happy. He then started telling me of local places, grocery stores and actual photoshops, approximately how much they made and whether or not it would be a good job or not. Also, he let me know to put him down as a reference and he would give me "an awesome recommendation."
So, looks like on Friday and the rest of this weekend...job hunting time, again :P
I think this job and non-paying is really getting to me though, I've been in a pretty foul mood lately and have unfortunately been taking it out on the wife :( I just need to get to a position where I feel like we can comfortably pay our bills without wondering if this food bill I just payed is going to hurt our chances to pay the water bill, ect.
So, with that note, i have a friend that has no computer right now so she is forced to use a peice of fruit...this is for you.