Supernatural: Provenance

Jun 15, 2011 22:07

Notes I took while watching the episode:
-All righty, how long until the eyes move.
-I am actually really excited about this episode. A haunted portrait sounds like something straight out of Scooy-Doo.
-Dean’s pep talk about Jessica wanting Sam to be happy is kind of making up for all his horny, dumbass behavior earlier in the episode.
-Why would anyone want that painting in their home?
-The ghost’s reflection in the glasses is actually pretty cool.
-Most pitiful blowing of an eyelash ever. Although it is a cute scene.
-Break a freaking window.
-This just got a whole lot creepier (the little girl).
-Way to be a jerk, Sam, when Sarah starts talking about the doll.

Moments that made me giggle inside:
-Sam’s reaction to seeing the painting again after they burned it.
-“I’m the one who burned the doll and destroyed the spirit, but don’t thank me or anything.”

Moments that made me actually LOL:
-“I…don’t know, I’m still waiting for the movie on [The Da Vinci Code].”
-“Sam. Marry that girl.”
-“I’ll stay here. You go make your move. Sam! I’m serious!”

Overall Thoughts:
          Eh, so it wasn’t as great as I was expecting. Mere eyeballs moving in paintings in Scooby-Doo have freaked me out more than the head turning did. The twist that it was the little girl was a nice touch, but I would have liked to know what made her murder her families. Just saying that she was born rotten is boring and poor writing.

Dean annoyed me in the beginning when he was lying to the ladies in the bar and trying to brush off Sam’s concerns about the murders (it’s so hypocritical of him), but by the end of the episode he had nudged his way back to being my favorite boy. I want to like Sam in this episode and sympathize with him, but he just comes off as a chauvinistic wuss. I’m not even sure why I think that, because I really do understand his paranoia after what happened to Jess, but his closed-mindedness irks me; it’s his prerogative to choose not to date a woman, but he could be less patronizing about it.

Speaking of Sarah, I liked the idea of her character (although I don’t understand why she was so attracted to Sam), but I really disliked the actress’s acting. She was a gorgeous woman who looked like a model who had been chosen for her looks rather than her acting ability. She and Jared didn’t seem to have much chemistry (honestly, I didn’t think much of his acting in those scenes, either). One thing I did like, and this is a strange and superficial thing to notice, is that she was a healthy, normal-sized weight. She looked like Buffy in S1- not at all chubby but not thin as a stick either.

Coming right after “Something Wicked,” “Provenance” really highlights that the best episodes are the ones that focus on the brothers rather than the cases. The return to Sam’s romantic angst here felt repetitive and as unresolved as ever. The one nice thing I took from it is how much Dean actually wants Sam to be happy. Maybe he selfishly wants to keep Sam with him instead of Sam going off to law school, but at least he doesn’t want or think he can keep Sam entirely to himself. His joke about Sam marrying Sarah was also a really great character moment. That plus his background with Cassie make me think that maybe Dean could come round to the idea of a SO joining their road trip if it were someone he or Sam really loved.

Purely Subjective Rating:

Favorite Boy:

episode thoughts: supernatural, college turned me into a tv junkie

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